
Happy New Year!!! 2016 is here!!

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Heeeeey everyone!!! It’s now 2016.

What is there to say? Hmmn. 2015 passed, and it passed seemingly quite quick. I swear it wasn’t long ago that I was helping get things prepared to help alleviate the heat of summer (roof vents; awesome things they are), or just getting my hair colored for Halloween. Time seems to fly, doesn’t it?

Regardless, I’m excited for what’ll happen this year when time’s whizzing by.  I have a great feeling for this year, and I know that this year is going to be the year (how many times can I say year?!) that I let go of most of my procrastinating side, and finally get to things I’ve set aside for work, relaxing, reading and plain ole goofing off. I mean it, I’ve made it one of my resolutions. To finally, FINALLY, get back on track with Bloggaries, to finally get files from little thumb drives moved to a larger storage, to finally get my YouTube videos uploaded and caught up to every vlog I’ve taken in the past few years and to always keep myself on track of projects that need doing. I also resolve for myself to be positive, no negativity! It’s a poison on the mind and soul. And to be a bit more healthy; less soda, more tea!!! I resolve to make sure I’m always thankful for all I’ve got and to give my big Finn all the attention he begs for, even when I just sat down.

I hope all of you had a fantastical and amazing new year’s eve and new year’s day. I hope that this year brings for all of you what you’ve not gotten from others. Love y’all!!

Snack time


Eve snack!


Black eyed peas are a must, they help make the year great! As well as a delicious completely homemade egg salad sandwich!! Now for dessert!



Here’s to 2016!!! May it be blessed and kind! 🎆🎊🎉

Happy Thanksgiving 2015 Everyone!

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Good afternoon everyone, and happy Thanksgiving!

Today is a day that unfortunately has been coined ‘turkey day’ by people who it seems are just glad for a day off and aren’t really thinking of the meaning to all of it. Thanksgiving is a day really, seriously meant for the celebrators to give thanks! The holiday was created as pilgrims and Puritans, after all the hardships and loss of lives, had some semblance of peace, hearty crop yield and the surrounding of family and friends. All this they gave thanks to God for allowing them to find and have in their possession. I’d be doubly thankful too!

I mean, can you imagine? You leave the place you’d had as home because of governmental oppression to some new land where you could start new, where you have no clue whatsoever how anything could turn out..things turn out super horrible on the the way there, people dying, sick, an indigenous people who seriously don’t want you there.. Yeah I’d say things started out really bad for the people of the Mayflower and other ships that sailed on over. Which is why they were so very thankful when everything turned around.

But why be thankful just one day of the year? Every day I’m thankful and people should become more thankful for the things they have and achieve. But today I’ll make a little list, just because this day is so important deep down. I’m thankful for my friends and family, work getting busy, thankful for all you followers, I’m thankful for my big dog Finn and for smoked turkey and sweet potatoes, as well as sugary sweet cakes and baking skills, I’m thankful for deer season, ’cause I’m ready to hunt for some bucks and hogs, and finally I’m thankful for the service members who help keep this country safe!  I hope you all have a very awesome Thanksgiving, and I appreciate you reading!

Lots of love!! (–Picture time!!–)

We smoked turkey and roasted veggies beforehand!



Dinnertime goodies!

Fondant turkey and pilgrim’s hats
Millionaire’s Pie! 🙂
Pumpkin spice cupcakes with vanilla frosting and the fondant goodies! Some are unfinished because it’s time for dinner!

Love y’all, hope you’re having a delicious and happy Thanksgiving, and hey if you live somewhere else where thanksgiving isn’t celebrated? Buy a turkey leg dangit! 😀


Bloggary with Briana: Page 53-THANKS WORDPRESS APP! 👍

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Okay, first of all, I want to apologize for the fact that this is posting Sunday-ish, instead of Friday evening. I had the entire blog, 6 days, written up down to the last punctuation, and then my WordPress app magically deleted every last character on the post. EVERYTHING. Just as I was about to tap ‘schedule’ and get it to post at 9:30. So, 10:30 and I just got rid of enough rage to neither rage-cry nor punch a hole through my qwerty keyboard… I’m going to try to re-type everything verbatim, and..I’m pretty sure I can, it’s just 6 days. 6 DAYS. URGH.  SIX DAYS OF EVERYTHING THAT I JUST NNMALIHWHGA RAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!😤

Okay…shall we move on? Putting in the earbuds…got some heavy rock playing…got a piece of dirt in my eye..WHY?! Okay, it’s gone, I’m better now..let’s do this…. Again. I mean..fwoooie…..I’m going to try. I might give up half way through and say ‘ HERE, PICTURES, READ INTO THEM!’ , don’t say I didn’t warn ya!

Heyo! SATURDAY! When I woke up around noon-ish, I immediately went outside to pee to see that the weather is taking its turn to Autumnal temperatures! It rained some in the early am hours, so the ground was quite moist, and the temperature was in the lower 60s! Since I was wearing a tank top to sleep in and shorts, I ran back inside and grabbed a button up shirt with longer sleeves that I rolled up, so I could be the teensiest bit more warm!

After walking around in the back and watching Finn enjoy the coolness of the air, we went in and I got really actually dressed, because it was time to visit the bane of my existence! JD’S!
I took this originally to show off my hair’s length, and just how awesome it is…but now that I look at it, let’s just look at that awesome button up shirt , because I wear it for four days straight. I’m amazing.

The trip to JD’s wasn’t too bad. It was quick, painless, and thankfully, because of my earbuds, it was filled with music I wanted to hear.

When we got back, it was time to make dinner! My mom had already started on the potatoes before we left for JD’s, so it was time for me to step up and stab some cabbage, then make eggs! Ta-Daaah, dinner!
I made sure to use less chili powder today😋

After food, we watched some sports..then some Ridiculousness reruns, then Epix, until at 3 am, somehow the TV made it to Mike Huckabee’s show. My mom and I were cracking up at this guy singing at the end. He sounded like the Cowardly Lion. It was so hard to stay serious, I couldn’t breath I was laughing so hard.

After that, a half bowl of popcorn and then we watched Defiance! Woo!

Somehow at around 5, I ended up on the torture device. I was woken up several times by Finn licking, then my dad telling him to STOPPIT!. Then, at some time near 7, I was woken up by incessant whining. Whining because he was gated off into the other room, so he wouldn’t leave wet lick spots on the living room floor. I freaked him out by getting right up at the gate, and then after making him lay down, he didn’t whine again throughout the early morning.

Oh, hello! Good noon!! I woke up around noon, and y’all know who gets the blame there. Yup….this dude..:
Gee, Finn, I wonder why you’re so sleepy…is it because you’ve been awake all night LICKING?! Yes, that may be it!

So, 3pm, and after potatoes were done, I started salsa and bacon! Then eggs and toast of course, because breakfast without toast and eggs is lame……unless there’s pancakes…pancakes make it better 😁.

During, and after, breakfast we watched A football! Being thrown around! Haha..yeah. Broncos and Cowboys both won!! Yeeaaaaahhhh!!!

Nothing much else happened, except for WATCHING RIDICULOUSNESS! ON DVR! YEAH! Then later we watched Hangover: Part II! And then…then..later on Constantine!

Somehow I fell asleep before Constantine got over with…and…I think I was on the torture device..and woke up on the floor…haha…

Happy Monday! I woke up around one, and as per usual, went straight outside! After a little time, though, I found that I was thirsty. So I went inside and got myself and my dad coffee, Finny boy water, and my mom a coke!

Happiness with coffee!
Oh look, I’m still wearing that shirt! Hahaha..oh my.

Anyways, we stayed out here quite a while, drinking our liquids, taking in the burning sunlight..then my mom brought out several bread slices which we nommed on appreciatively! At some point earlier, my mom told me about a nest they found whilst cutting tree limbs. The nest is not on any of the cut limbs, so don’t worry!!
We think it’s a mockingbird egg, that either was left alone for the short time..or it just never hatched.

This is a bug. If you can see it…maybe..it’s there..I spent like 5 lines explaining where it was last time…just..TRY AND FIND IT!

After that…being outside for until nearly 3:30, I took a shower! It wasn’t the most pleasant, because I thought my dad was going to take one, but he didn’t. I waited, and then the water got less than hot, plus the wind was LAUGHING at me the entire time. It was.. Blehhh.

After that it was time for dinner! A wonderful salad and baked potato!
Then after food, I and begun writing out this Bloggary session, as well as play some games on my phone! I blame a clash of clans commercial on my distractive-ness!!

Later on, we watched Constantine again, and when it got to the end, I just went and changed my clothes. I don’t know why. I don’t remember much else, because it has been way too many days. Blarrrr!

Happy Tuesday! Yeah! I woke up at a pretty good time, and then immediately after getting up, I got dressed to go to JD’s! It was quick, because I basically just went in for bacon and cabbage 😝. Also, the tripynwas good, because no coughers! Yaay!

As soon as we got home, it was time to make dinner! And it will indeed be good. I started first by thinly slicing cabbage and then cooking it down with garlic and onions! Then, after moving that out of the way, it was time to make egg sandwiches!!! I cooked strips of bacon while I started getting stuff ready to toast the bread. When that was done, eggs and bread time! Then it…was…done.
It was so…so…good. So extremely good. I may have cried a bit.

I spent quite a bit of time after food writing the previous few days of Bloggary completely, trying to swat away procrastination. (Maybe procrastination is what I can blame for losing every word in the first place…that’s silly..because it probably would’ve done this some other time)

After getting bored quickly, I played games and just laid back whilst listening to music until we ended up watching Identity Thief while having popcorn.

Then I slept. In the am. Because I’m crazy frog.

Happy Wednesday! I woke up LATE. And, my allergies were kicking my butt. As soon as I woke up, HEADACHE. Horrible, horrible, nasty headache. I had to shield my eyes from the light, it was that bad. Meh.
But, it got a bit better later on!

So let’s talk about dinner! Today my mom’s trying her hand at Pita Bread! And I helped a bit with rolling it out. It was all trial and error, because we learned at the last few that pita is frustrating and that’s why Katniss is so mad at him all the time you need to have the heat kind of lower than med-high, so it can brown lightly and puff at the same time. But it was still awesome 😙. After they were done, my mom made potatoes while I rested my head, and then I made cabbage, more than yesterday, but in the same fashion.
Heey! How awesome is that? It’s so perfect, held in all the cabbage and potatoes..and ALL of the habanero sauce. That stuff is hot. Like MY LAWDY HELP MEH! 🌋🔥💨💦 Haha. Yeah. Woo.

After that, well…. Not much but me trying to write this, then we watched Identity Thief again, and I fell asleep, in an odd position on the floor.


Good morning! I actually woke up at a good time! Today we have to go to the store again, because they’ve got eggs on sale! But first, hot sun shower outdoors time! Yeah!!! It was much better this time. I shaved my wolf-woman legs and the water was quite warm, nearly scalding!

After getting dressed and giving my hair a short reprieve from product, we went off to the store!

Good trip again, went really quick for me, although I didn’t bring my earbuds, because my battery needed ze charging.

After we got back, it was time for salad and baked potato! Look at IT! READ INTO THAT PICTURE, Y’ALL.
Because… Finally..I am posting this. THANK GOD. Hallelujah, hear the chorus sing.

Thanks everyone for your patience, and I’m sooooo sorry for the delay! Now the next fun challenge, writing the next Bloggary, because wow. Woooo. Hah. ❤ you all, thanks for reading!

Bloggary with Briana

Bloggary with Briana: Page 49-WORKIN’!

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Goooood morning! So, so so so, we have a handyman thang today all the way up near Leander! We’re going to replace some rotted fascia along a little area of this customer’s roof. It is about 80 already, and it’s only 10; it’s also incredibly humid, so that is gonna be fuuuunnnn!

When we got there, we got the little handyman thing signed, and then I started to get tools laid out and prepared. The customer had already purchased materials needed for replacing the fascia board that had rotted.

Before too long, we got to work on it starting with finding out the roof pitch and cutting pieces a little longer than needed so they could be cut to fit. As I had thought it would be, it was horribly draining out there. We kept drinking water, but it was continuously sweated out and we had to take several 15-20 minute breaks.

It was all done by 4:30, though, and matched quite beautifully to what is on the other side, except for paint of course! So we got everything loaded up, after being paid, and then off to the long drive home we went!

When we got home, my mom had dinner already 90% done, and it looked soooo good.


Loooook.  Mmmmhhmmmnn so good after being out in the hot nasty humidity. After that, we watched news….some movies…aaaannnd then I sleepeth!!

Heyooo. So..TMI, maybe, but I halfway was like ‘AAAH!😷’ because I had pulled a lower abdominal muscle yesterday apparently, and had gotten a little dehydrated as well, so….long and awkward story short, I went to go and there was nothing but abdominal pain. I was advised to drink a LOT of water, annnd I began to feel a little better…cause..I peed lol. Like I said, TMI.

But I know how I pulled my abdominal muscle yesterday, it was from moving on a ladder wrong, because my right shoulder and hip are a little twinged as well. Anyways, since I’m feeling less achy, we’re going to get a contract signed for that concrete demo we looked at a week or so ago and then getting PIZZZAAAA!!! Mentally, I’m doing the pizza dance, because I physically cannooottt because muscle! We headed home after getting the pizza, and just…loookateeeet!!


Yum. Yum. YUM.

After pizza, I slept. Like..for several hours. When I woke up, it was no longer around noon, but around 4!! I kinda was a little meh about sleeping, but I felt sooooo rested. I had watched news with everyone after I woke up, and happily found that my pulled muscles felt much better!

At around 6, I actually got up, because dinner and going to pick up a movie!! When we got back, FOOD, LEFTOVERS! Mmmmhmmn.


With a tomato, potato, and chicharones! I love chicharones…aaand if you don’t know what a chicharone is, you’re reading this like..‘wuuuutttt?’ but a chicharone is a fried pork rind! Hah, funny name for them, huh? While eating, we started the movie. OK, the movie started out okay..but then it became twisted around the middle..and the end of the movie just drops with some unknown conclusion to everything. It was eh…OK. Not the best.

So, concrete job starts tomorrow!  I must sleeeeep.

Today we begin! We had tried to get a guy to work today, but he can’t leave his other job. He said he will be able to tomorrow, though, so yeaah.

First stop is to pick up a rented jackhammer!! Afterwards, we dropped off the movie on the way to the job site. Here’s what we are to work on!


So my dad started with the jackhammer, and then after a little bit, I tried my hands, shoulders and overall strength on using a jackhammer. I was told it was around 100lbs, so…..I’m stronger than I thought I was, because I’m able to pick it up and use it! Woo for muscles!! By 4:45, we had gotten one half of the concrete slab busted! Yeeah!!

The rain has been on and off with big clouds billowing and little sprinkles every so often. We left for the day, satisfied with one half being busted up, and we went off to HEB! At the HEB, I was basically walking like a mix between Renfield and smegal, because my feet were tired, and my arms were yelling at me for lifting and using that jackhammer. The skin just under my middle and ring fingers on both hands had gotten blistered by the vibrations of the handles, I guess, as well, so that’s fun. Thanks gloves for being useless!

After shopping (for dinner foods!) we headed hoooome! Oh, and it rained. Boy oh boy, did it rain. It rained nearly the whole way home, but the roads were not covered in crashed cars, despite the people driving as if rain was some magical weapon against their ability to drive properly.

When we got home, I rested my weary limbs for a few minutes before getting to work serving the FOOD.


When I went in, I picked up rotisserie chickens, potato salad, beans, some 1$ bread (because it was only 1 day old and who hates on bread?), and some SUSHIYA!! 😝 I love sushi..so much. –sniffle-

After ze food..I was so tired. SO TIRED! But, tonight is ridiculousness night..so I must stay awake! AND then sleep when it’s over :P.

Ohm…oowwww. My shoulders hate me right now…so much. Seriously. But on we go..-sigh- So…the guy we asked to work with the jackhammer and picking up rocks..won’t be showing up at all probably, because last night he told us he wont be sure if he has to take care of a family member in the morning after he said he could be available today….😑 La-dee-da. So here we go. I don’t think I can lift the jackhammer today because my shoulders are so sore..so. Yeah.

At nearly noon, the trailer finally showed up, and they said to go ahead and fill the whole thing with all the concrete. So after they left I got to first setting up the plywood in their trailer, then I did runs with wheelbarrow loads of rocks.

Since we desperately needed another person to shift off with the jackhammer, my mom aka, the BOSS, found someone who didn’t care how hard the work was. He showed up around 2, and started to help with the wheelbarrow loads of rubble and then switched off with the jackhammer. We were able to get more than half of the big chunks into the trailer by the time we were ready to clean up and go home! Yay!

So, we have to stop at JD’s for a few things on the way home. In I go! It was alright, though I keep forgetting to take spare shoes that aren’t hard angry boots. The only problem I had was a woman with her child wouldn’t move and walked me into a display of pans. Not only did I almost send pans everywhere… I just about went hulk on this woman.


For dinner we had…


Leftover cheeeckinnnnn!! Yum!

I found it incredibly hard to stay awake.. Aaaand..we watched Dredd. We’ve made it our nightly movie o___o.

Hey…happy *yawn* Saturday….so now not only do my shoulders hate me, but so do my hamstrings. Aaaaaaahhh!!!!😠

Anthony(the labor help my mom found who was the only person on the face of Austin to want to work hard) showed up just a few minutes after we did, 8 am woo😑, aaaand…then we began working. He worked on jackhammering the remaining concrete while my dad and I pulled loose the large chunks.

After the big, giant, horrible pieces were broken up, my dad took the jackhammer back while us two continued to work on filling the trailer. At nearly noon it was lunchietime, which was very good for filling up on needed energy.

By 3 pm we had all but 5 wheelbarrows of rubble in the trailer. Anthony said he couldn’t go any further, I couldn’t go any further..so it was time to just get the heck outta there.

After cleaning up, calling the guys with the trailer repeatedly that we were done with it(we called them yesterday too because they have a bad side of tires), and paying Anthony for working till his back should’ve broke in half, off we went to pick up dinner!

We picked up wraps and salads for dinner, and boy was it tasty…wraaapsssss.

Heehee. I’m so exhausted..but tomorrow is a day off!! HALLELUJAH!!🙌

OMG IT’S Sunday!

Woke up at 10-ish, I think..either way, I feeeeeeel so rested. My muscles still hate me though x__x.

I helped in making breakfast at around 11, starting with potatoes, then salsa. Then I cooked aaaaallll the bacon (because we got 2 packs!), toasted bacon and cooked eggs! After that..eating tiiiime!


Ohhh goodness. After that I felt like just..sleeping.

I didn’t sleep, though. We watched some football while taking in much relaxing time.

The guys with the trailer had called, complaining about the tires, even though we called them on Friday evening, when we had started filling it up. They weren’t very friendly. We learned that they had drove on the customer’s neighbor’s yard, so we have to talk with him, see how his yard and sprinkler system work tomorrow, besides cleaning up the remainder of rubble in the pit of concrete slab😛.

Later on, my mom set up a DVD pickup, and we got Draft Day and Captain America: The Winter Soldier. When we got back, a little more football watching, and then it was time to fill up glasses with soda, pop popcorn, and get our candy(BUTTERFINGERSSSS!) ready and it was movie time!

We watched Draft Day first, which was a pretty good movie showing, in an entertaining story format, the inside view of NFL drafts. After that was Captain America! I like marvel movies, so I enjoyed it! I’m wondering how it’s gonna connect to the second Avengers move with how things went down, though.

We watched Dredd again afterwards. Hehehe..yeah.. And then I fell asleep with the happy thought that tomorrow we would be done!!

Thanks for readingggg!!!

I wanna say a big SORRY, for taking so long to post. I’ve been sooooo exhausted, and I couldn’t even find the coherent thought to write everything! 😥 I feel bad for taking so long, aaaNnd…I’ll try to be better with the next hard working Bloggeriness!

Thanks again for reading!

Bloggary with Briana

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