Hello one and all! It has been a while since I’ve posted anything, so I figured ‘Hey, lemme just blog a little bit since Easter is here and I haven’t blogged since THE NEW YEAR‘. So what’s been going on? 
Well I think I skipped a few things in the past 5-ish months of sparse, holidays only kind of posts, but I think that and my new experiences in…customer service need a post of it’s own, one which I shall remind myself to work on soon enough. Anyhow, there was my birthday (24, WOOOO), a bunch of snow, work, holidays, I sported some awesome green gear for St. Patrick’s day while working 

and after the first half of March rolled by, we come to Easter! Firstly though, I’m now just a bit blonde..okay I’m a lot blonde currently. At least for the next few days I am, and then you know it – I’ll be back into my colorful wild weird hair mode, one which I’ll show off when it’s done. 

And now, as always, I want to express my beliefs a little bit in what this day means to me. When I was little the main thing of the day for me was dressing up, charging after hidden eggs and sitting with family in my grandparents’ crowded living room while we all eat eggs and candy, and all that. The older I got, the Christian beliefs of the day’s meaning came to the forefront for me, marking the day as one to believe a little more in blessings and miracles.
 Today I’ll be at work, most likely having a quiet day for the most part, selling people beer, soda, whatever they need, which I assume is going to be 90% for parties and get-togethers later in the day. Myself, when I get off work, shall be cowboy style cooking a set of well marinated steaks to go with potato salad and other goodies, eating with my family and then relaxing! (Don’t worry, I’ll edit and share images of the delicious nommage!)  

Wishing you all a wonderful and blessed Easter! 💛