
Its been a while! 

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So have a potato! 😛

Yep, nothing like some oven baked potatoes to make ya happy. 

I realized I hadn’t blogged in a loooong time SO I figured I would just throw together a silly little thing here, with a life update.

From January 2020 to June 2020 I was a sandwich artist at good ol Subway. From June 2020 to present,I took a leap to a different job and became a 7-Eleven 3rd shift crew member (which I enjoy a ton). In that time frame, and perhaps a bit earlier honestly (Christmas 2019 feels right) my family and I started caring for a cat who had always been one to hang around the area. Her name is KitCat or Friendly, depending on what we feel like calling her by. 

She went from only hanging outside with us, to coming inside, hanging out a bit and sleeping outside at night, to spending entire afternoons and nights in our house. Then earlier this year she was attacked and we decided that she would be our inside kitty, and have a vest and leash for outside times. I’d honestly say she has adjusted well, for a cat who has lived outside most of her life. At this point we’re trying to get her brother, who’s a more skiddish cat, to come close so we can give him some love too, but attempts aren’t successful so far. At least he’s picked up hunting for mice, which was Friendly’s job before she came inside permanently. Her brother, we call him Pudge, because no matter what he is one chubby lookin dude 😅.

Now, it’s at the last quarter of 2021, and I’ve taken yet another leap, while still employed as a 7-Eleven 3rd shift. I’m pursuing my dream of selling cupcakes, and on October 29th I made my first sales! I’m able to advertise at work, and I’m currently looking into business cards so I can get myself that much farther. 

It’s been a loooong time since I’ve blogged, and I’m very happy for this post to be my update; It’s about time I get back into some of my old hobbies. Speaking of hobbies, I’ve got a guitar now, and a violin! I need to carve more time out in my days, and nights, for those; which is something I aim to do soon as well, once I get to the 10 million other errands and hobbies on my list.
Hope all my readers have been well, and I look forward to blogging more soon! 💛

*taps mic* Uh..hello.


Sunday 6/05/16,

Well hello..!

That seems to be my standard greeting now; ‘Well…hello.’ I might as well say ‘come here often?’ But then that’d be a bit awkward..since I already know when I check my analytics :]

Anyways, how has everyone been? I hope all have been fantastic, and for, like, the hundredth time..I am very sorry for all the Bloggaries just taking a millennia! Their multiple photos being added through my googledrive and preparing for typing up what I can remember of every day a year and a half ago had been set back on the back burner which was completely turned off for a while. A while being, yaknow, three months.

The first month (or two)  I was just being my typical procrastinating self, telling myself that later I’d get photos completely attached to their corresponding days and finally just get moving on with typing everything out. Of course…that didn’t really happen, nor did my mass of the month of March blog post. Because on random days we’d end up watching a bunch of movies, or I’d just watch different videos from people I subscribe to on YouTube, or I’d actually read, like, a ton, besides survey things getting done.

And then came last month and a half.  There was rain. So. Much. Rain. Unbelievable amounts of rain. So much rain, that Lake Travis is full, there have been tons of floods, and uh…yeah the ground is a sponge, besides the fact that the power had been off over two days worth of time, not to mention the internet being off and worked on multiple times this past month. Just in the last couple weeks, there’s been probably 15+ inches worth of rain, and it’s starting to get extremely ridiculous. The yard? What yard? It’s now a jungle, because usually as soon as it starts to dry maybe a little bit, some crazy storm clouds from the gulf decide they’re going to blow on over and just open the dump valve of water on us. It’s sunny today though, and it was…a smidge sunny yesterday. So I guess that helps a little.

Now to other reasons, that are actually not excuses, but viable and completely understandable reasons why I hadn’t been working at all on Blog posts. Finny boy had overeaten on the 20th of May, in his excitement for his food coming in and it upset his tummy…pretty badly. It gave him a nasty batch of IBS that was excruciating for him and nearly just as excruciating to watch and try to help him get over. It got really bad until the 25th, which is when my mom had rediscovered a recipe for a healing and stomach calming tea. It took just two days of the tea and cottage cheese in doses for him to stop having any cramping up, spasming or pain in his stomach and intestines. It did take until this past Wednesday for his system to start really getting back to normal, as in..completely normal looking poo, ability to actually eat more and not just have it all soupy and soft. It’s amazing what this tea actually has done. Things got pretty scary for a bit, and it was a few days I didn’t get any real sleep, none of us did. Because it was just..horrible. And now, right now, as I’m typing this; he is sleeping so soundly, snoring and curled up near his bed, waiting for his next serving of food, which is going to be bland scrambled eggs, bland (not salty or too sugary) pancakes, and baked potato cut into chunks, all topped with a dose of tea to be sure everything is calm in the tumtum. 

That’s what’s been going on with us. A bunch of things kind of piling up on each other, and then finally the sun’s coming out and everything’s looking better and brighter. My sleeping schedule righted itself through all of this, (after binging Dexter in mid may it went WAY CRAZY) and now I’m waking up pretty dang early. Still feeling the effects of the lack of sleep a week ago, but with things starting to right themselves, I know all will be back on track in a short time. Just today, I actually did get 5 Bloggary posts (which are each 7 days) loaded up with photos, and I estimate within the week, if I work a few hours each day at it, all the pics will be loaded up on the posts and be ready for my writing skills to take effect. You all can expect some random subject blog posts coming in these next couple weeks, too, including a pretty big one from march! 

So, all in all…things were acting a bit crappy and now it’s been shoveled away and finally getting better. I’m looking forward to actually, finally getting these blogs all posted and caught up to me just putting out random blog posts that I feel like doing.  Now before I conclude this with a fitting picture of the sunshine, here is the amazing and miraculous healing tea recipe:

One cup pedialyte or an electrolyte source like lemon lime Gatorade.

Two tablets of 180mg echinacea or something smaller can work too, just has to be echinacea. Dissolve them in a small amount of water beforehand, just enough water to slightly cover the tablets or powder.

Two chamomile tea bags, and one small garlic clove sliced very thinly.

Let the liquid and all ingredients heat up so the tea gets into it, stirring every so often, then let it cool after, adding two drops each of mint and peppermint extracts, stirring them in. It can be refrigerated and the teabags/garlic left in the liquid. It can be doubled if you need more..and then on serving. For Finn we started with three teaspoons from a dropper, and then he moved to drinking 5 teaspoons out of his bowl excitedly. We do it every hour, or if he slept past an hour, when he woke up. And after the tea, some very light food. Then for continued use, the tea can be mixed in with food after the stomach is well on its way through the healing process.

I hope this recipe does some good for others as it has for us. 🙂


Take care and TTFN!~

Bloggaries ~

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Hope everyone has been plenty well! How was your Valentine’s day? I hope everyone’s was amazing! 💟 I had a birthday on January 27th that I didn’t post about, but it was absolutely fantastic! 22…I feel the maturity, the power.. 😂 HAH!

So. I’ve been thinking a lot about my Bloggaries lately, and mainly what I’ve been thinking about is after I post all the updates from the year+ past. All of you obviously can see that it’s been tremendously difficult for me to actually keep up with the every single day, every week, 365/24/7 type of Bloggary thing I tried out. And I can easily admit that every time I look at the posts I need to edit and fix, I feel like throwing a tantrum and saying NO, because my goodness it just looks more and more a pain every time I spend more than a minute poking through how many I actually have to work on. It’s over 50(I think, don’t quote me, it’s 3 am) posts that I have to edit, and these 50 some-odd posts have a maximum of 7 days of events that I can barely even remember the specifics of; thank goodness I have pictures to just slap on the days!

Now finally I get to my main point here.

I was thinking that instead of making up these incredibly-difficult-to-keep-up-with Bloggaries that I am posting every week, three days, whatever, I will take a time frame that is from one Friday to the next, posted on a Saturday, and instead of forcing it to be every single week, it will be basically when I feel like it. These new Bloggaries won’t be millions of photos of food, jumbled up blogs that are like stalking me through every action. They will be a wrap up of the weeks events, with some of my oh-so-wonderful opinionated blogging skills, and maybe some talk of food thrown in because I ❤ food so much.

So tell me, how does this sound? It will be so much easier for me to handle, plus I’ll actually have the ability to have fun and think about what other sorts of blogs I feel like writing up, like my rants and ravings, talk about political subjects, etc.

I hope this is a good idea, because it really sounds like something that can work in my mind. Thanks everyone for reading, leave your opinion down in the comments if you wish! TTFN~!

HEY WHERE ARE THE BLOGS? Where is Briana? 😱


*awkward wave* Uh. Hello! I am right here! 😀

Well. Y’all know by now, I think, how grand my procrastinating, procrastination skills are, right? (Duh Briana it’s been a year+ since you posted like, anything considered a blog post..they all know.) Shut up sarcastic voice in my head! *throat clear* Ahem. Right. >__>

For that, I am super, super, super, super duper, super sorry. I really am. Once the internet was down for like a month plus last year, I started doing other things, like….: falling asleep to my mp3 player early, reading books we borrowed from the library, watching DVDs we rented or borrowed, going to some ‘work readiness’ free classes that were really early in the morning really helped me with speaking with individuals I don’t know rather than being the scared looking creature in the corner as I typically would be.

And in all that stuff? I started forgetting to set aside time to write out little Bloggary with Briana posts, or even random blog posts on stuff that’s going on in the world. I started getting so intense on myself about the blog posts again that I was like ‘NO. IT’S TOO MUCH TIME, WHY?!’ No, seriously. I would start up the app, no worries, alright.. Only a few days. And then after staring at the past few days I needed to write up, I just would write down a few sentences maybe before I broke down and said ‘Nope, not gonna do it!’ And then I’d do it the next day we went to the library, all over again, the same thing.

But that’s the past. Really it is. It may have taken a whole dang year, and I mean it was nearly 6 months since the last post I made that I started putting together the draft posts again for Bloggary, but I’m finally gonna get back into it. I have Bloggary drafts all set up for 7 days at a time from last year all the way through this year to January 2nd of 2016, I have photos all logged down for their date and my memory is all bundled up safe of what happened on different days. I warn you that many posts of last year from that November-y time through about January of this year will be just like..boom, bam, food pictures! And that’s okay, cause this is my blog and I do what I wanna! And what I wanna do is pump out those posts from last year, start adding in things we did and stuff that happened from this year, and get my blog all crazy and ME again! Another great thing I’ve had going on this year, is the calendar has been used more for marking down when work projects and estimates happened, which will help me to help y’all figure out what’s been going on!

I’m actually starting to get quite excited about this. My plan, for every single one of these backed up bloggies, is to attach pics, notes, whatever I need to on the WordPress app here and then move to my laptop and use the much LARGER and much more convenient to use keyboard to type up everything needed. I mean, I love using this app, even if it can be RUDE, delete entire blog posts, remove pictures randomly and whatever other tidbits I’ve complained about in the past :P, but with the quantity of blogs I have to unleash my laptop’s keyboard is gonna be the master at typing out mega-fast!

So, I think that’s the end of this little update-aroo. I’ll be working on these in and out this week, starting with getting pictures attached, then hopefully next week start writing up and preparing for postings! 🙂 I’ve missed blogging an absolute ton, so here we go! Here’s to the Bloggary comeback! 👍


❤❤ Love y’all, thanks for reading!

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