Hi! I woke up pretty late, but my mom brought forth delicious Vienna sausages for food! A couple hours later, we had a huge delicious salad!



After the salad, it was a little past 5, so after turning on the fan in the carport, I went and checked the mail! There was a survey in there addressed to me from the Arbor Day foundation. The packet said that there were free gifts when I completed the survey. Unfortunately, after reading through the whole thing, I found that you really don’t get anything except for a chance at ‘special arbor day’ coffee if you choose not to donate. AND that’s only if you’re one of the first 50 to send in the thing. So, they make this big thing like you’re going to win a bunch of trees and a few shrubs for filling out the survey, when in reality, you have to donate. It was pretty disappointing. I felt like Zorg after getting the box, but not the stones.

Around 8,  we went to go get sodas! When we got home, I took in the drinks while my dad put up our driveway cones. I went out there, and it turns out he tripped on his flipflop and fell. He scraped up and imbedded gravel into his left big toe and bent his little finger on his right hand back unbelievably far.

He was screaming in agony, but we got his toe cleaned, removed some pieces of rocks, and got ice on his really swollen hand. Then, after all that fun, we watched Tyrant while eating delicious candaaaay!

Then we watched TV, ie. HBO for a bit in between playing on my phone, and then the cable box reset for the first time in forever. Don’t worry, it actually did not kill the TV.


Hi! I got up late again…but today we added the vast deliciousness that is baked potato alongside our Vienna!

It’s getting infuriatingly frustrating watching the news, because all they’re talking about is the situation in Ferguson. Yaknow, what’s super irritating? The race-card pullers, that right after something happens “It cuz he black!! Death to da white cop!” Then Sharpton comes out there…just..STOP.

I was getting ready to start listening to music and play games to ignore the aggravating news, but my mom said “hey, let’s cut your hair!” So I was like OKAY! WOO!

She cut off quite a bit! It’s so short and FLUFFY prettyyy!! She said she’s going to cut more off of it soon, so it can be even shorter on the sides!💇👨

We watched just a little more news before going to JD’s to get a massive bunch of groceries!!

Now, I’m going to have to rant, because the second I got out of the truck, I knew it was going to be bad in the store. A woman with two little children and an older (about 12) girl was going in as soon as I was, and her children were running…running around the cart. It was horrible. A little boy, who’s father was playing around on his phone, was going at the Mexican squash with a toy knife (the kind that is supposed to slide into the handle to pretend stab) but he was keeping the blade from sliding into the handle. I gave him an ultimate death glare, and he backed away very quickly.

Next, a couple of INCREDIBLY STUPID CHILDREN opened up a pack of alphabet fridge magnets, right in the middle of an aisle. Right in the middle, with their parents right there! As if that couldn’t be enough fun, as I was just going back to get Dr. P, this boy ran right in front of my cart making bird noises. Yes. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough.    -_- More awful children encounters ensued when going to get sodas. A girl, probably 17, was carrying a 3? year old boy, and actually almost hit me with the kid’s feet. Yes, I’m serious. She wasn’t even able to see, the way she was holding him, and he almost kicked me in the face. Needless to say, I wish I was the hulk. I would just SMASH so many things…

I started making dinner, a late European time kinda dinner, when we got home. It’s made of little Johnsonville breakfast sausages,a vegmed of sqaush, cabbage, bell pepper, onions and garlic, sliced raw thangs and a piece of bread!


We then watched a kinda awkward and funny at the same time ridiculousness that had Larry King. Then watched the heat, which hasn’t been on in forever! At about 4-ish I did a giant clothes washing brigade! Wooooooo!🙌

Today we’re going on an estimate at the house of people my parents used to know when they volunteered at the fire Dept, like.. FOREVER AGO. While there, one dog was like…rude, and did one of those half charge things. Yikes. BUT all went well, and we got priority of what they needed done first, because everything all at once is totally not an option. When we left, we were driving down the road when I felt that feeling in my nose. It was bleeding a little out of the right nostril, for no reason, except maybe pollen? I am way glad my dad has like 200 handkerchiefs in the truck, because I used to have a serious problem. A problem, that if I just barely touched my nose to blow or clean it, it would bleed. It didn’t bleed anymore though, so that’s good! We picked up drinks, and when we got back, we had a stack of tomato and cucumber slices for a snack!

It was super good, but not very filling, so  then a few hours after that, we had a salad with baked potato! Since my mom fell asleep right after ridiculousness started, we watched it again! Then, to get away from the irritating news, we watched the Expendables 2!

At about 1 am, the power went off for about 3 seconds, for no real reason. Annnnnd then we went out back to look at the stars! We were out there for over an hour, and I saw 3 shootin’ stars! When we got inside, DREDD and popcorn!

Well! I got up at a better time today…kind of. I went outside as soon as I got up, and since today I kinda went full vampire, I had to wear my sunglasses to keep my eyes from feeling like they were burning. My parents were watering some of the trees, so I decided to lay in the grass for a while. The grassy spot I was laying in was so, very soft and comfortable!  We were outside for probably an hour and a half, then we went inside for sliced things:


and Vienna. Afterwards, I played on my phone for a little while, like, a few hours. But, it was around 8:15 when my parents went outside and then yelled in to me that there were bats! So I was like 😆 and went out there quickly!! I tried to take a picture, but look.


Bleh. See that blurry black blob in the upper middle area? Yes. That’s a bat.

Then we were outside until near 10, because we ended up watering more things in the back and I watered my big agave in the front a ton!! Like a TON!  After that, we went inside and my mom made this,


some amazing cabbagie egg drop soup! We ate that while watching the Veronica Mars movie…which was just…not bleh…but more…mehhhhhhh. Like, ooh..wow that’s interest-mehhhhh…it wasn’t the worst we’ve ever seen though, so…that’s a plus? Yeah….so then we watched some other stuff…funny stuff…


I woke up a little after 1, which is a really big achievement considering that I went to sleep near…must’ve been 4? I blame World’s End and Grandma’s Boy! 😜

So, yes! This a 5 day Bloggary, but on purpose this time, I promise!! Hehehe!:roll:

Since my dad’s hand is still a little swollen, I started on the breakfast and let him cut a couple potatoes and make salsa. But that was it! I actually cooked eggs on both of the iron cooking implements we have, and it sped things up a bit! Looooook!


It was soooooooo good. Have any of y’all tried Aberdeen farms bacon? It’s so…tasty -sniffles-

While eating, we watched some news, because there was a 6.0(I think) earthquake in San Francisco today waaaay early in the morning there. The small switch of things to talk about made the news slightly more bearable.

So, we ate, we watched TV, and then I went outside a couple times just to see the sunset!


Isn’t it so pwetty? I wanted to get it darker around the tree limb and such, but every photo was like “heeyyy BRIGHT.

Before we knew it, it was time for the final show ever of True Blood! They had an interesting way to end it, though Bill didn’t end how I was truly hoping he would, it was still very bloody messy!! It’s kind of weird though, that it’s ending, because it has been 7 YEARS! Crazy.

But the life of HBO Series goes on, because Leftovers is still going for at least another week, aaaand apparently they’ve scheduled for a season 2! This weeks episode was kind of a look back to before the big event. It kind of opens up WHY Kevin’s wife became a GR, but then it doesn’t explain much of the other things…..

After that was over, Finn said he had to peeeee, so my dad and I went outside. We went to the front, and when we looked at our pecan tree, we saw our camo plywood with a -no trespassing- sign upside down. After examining the wood, it was obvious someone had tainted with the sign, because the screw hadn’t pulled out of the wood, and the screw was screwed really far into the tree. So, we took the screw out, put the sign right side up, and screwed it back in. So, yes. Someone walked into our front yard with an impact driver, pulled the top screw out of the sign, let it hang upside down, and then screwed deeper than the screw was previously. Whoever tainted with our sign, you know who you are. I’m taking my fighting implements, possibly aluminum, with Finn and I when he barks at night. Just saying. Okay? 😘 Hah, but seriously, we have no idea who did it, because yesterday it was perfectly fine! It could be the same person who’s cracking bits off of our plastic no trespassing sign for all I know.

After going inside, I finished up blogging while we ate popcorn…aaaannnddd watched DREDD. AGAIN. Because he is the LAW.


So sorry this is posting late! Lol. I set it up for pm accidentally instead of am, and after a little thought, I said why not just roll with it. So here it is! Do enjoy!😝

Bonus! Pictures of Finn!!!



Bloggary with Briana